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Computed Tomography (CT) or CAT Scan
A CT, or CAT, scan is an x-ray examination that utilizes a scanner to produce a series of cross-sectional images of a selected portion of your body. After the selected body part is scanned, a computer reconstructs the images.
CT imaging is particularly useful because it can show several organs, including lung, bone, soft tissue, and blood vessels, with great clarity. Using specialized equipment and expertise to create and interpret CT scans of the body, radiologists can more easily diagnose cancers, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, trauma, and other diseases.
General CT Preparation
You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for your CT exam. Metal objects can affect the image, so avoid clothing with zippers and snaps. You may be asked to remove hairpins, jewelry, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and any removable dental work that could obscure the images. You may also be asked to refrain from eating or drinking anything for an hour or longer before the exam. ALWAYS INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST IF THERE IS ANY POSSIBILITY THAT YOU MAY BE PREGNANT.
This exam SHOULD NOT BE PERFORMED if you are pregnant or allergic to contrast media. If you are allergic to contrast dye, we can give you medications that will allow you to complete the exam without reacting to the contrast dye. If you are breastfeeding, please call our office.
Brain/Posterior Fossa/Chest/IAC/Neck (Soft Tissues):
- Do not eat 4 hours prior to the exam. You may drink clear liquids up to 2 hours before the exam.
- Pick up a preparation kit at our office the afternoon before your study.
- No preparation necessary.